Unparalleled in the Jewish philanthropic world, Jewish National Fund-USA’s strategic vision has been and always will be, to ensure a strong, secure, and prosperous future for the land and people of Israel. Everything we do -- every project, initiative, and campaign we take on – is integral to our vision of building and connecting to our land.
We plant trees in Israel, build houses and parks, source water solutions, buy fire trucks, and improve the lives of people with special
needs. We boost tourism, support Aliyah, promote Zionist education and engagement, build medical centers and trauma centers, fund agricultural and culinary research, and run an American semester abroad high school in Israel. We do all these
things because each project, each program, each partnership, is consistent with our strategic vision– population growth in the north and south, connecting the next generation to Israel, infrastructure development, ecology, forestation,
heritage preservation, and more -- all for the land and people of Israel.
Jewish National Fund: We are unique, we are strategic, we are visionary, and we have been that way since 1901. Join us.

Israel and the American Jewish community face both unprecedented opportunities and serious challenges in the decade ahead.
To meet those challenges head-on and to leverage the opportunities before us, our strategic roadmap channels Jewish National Fund’s core values into groundbreaking new ventures.
While the One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade fund is invested in a range of initiatives, our key investments focus on three core areas of expertise:
- Community building in Israel’s north and south
- Connecting the next generation to Israel
- Developing infrastructure for ecology, special needs, and heritage preservation
The rationale behind this focus is threefold. First, JNF has proven expertise in each arena and we are building on our existing achievements to make an even greater impact.
Second, we believe that JNF has an essential contribution to make in each arena, in part because of our organization’s DNA and in part because we are uniquely positioned to connect Americans and Israelis in common purpose.
Finally, and most importantly, each element of our plan is vital from a strategic standpoint. A new generation of American Jews is motivated with passion, pride, and responsibility for Israel’s future. Israel’s population cannot remain concentrated on a vulnerable coastal plain, and a vibrant north and south should be attractive new frontiers for Israeli families. And Israeli society must be equipped with the tools to meet its pressing ecological challenges, serve its most vulnerable members, and celebrate its dynamic national heritage.
Israel’s population cannot remain concentrated on a vulnerable coastal plain, and a vibrant north and south should be attractive new frontiers for Israeli families.
The social impact of these accomplishments will not only lead to a stronger Israeli society but also an American Jewish community that will be more united and vibrant than ever.
This is the most ambitious campaign in Jewish National Fund’s history and we invite you to be an investor, to join us as a partner, and to help make the land and people of Israel the best it can be.
Proposed Allocation
40% Community Building in Israel
Blueprint Negev
Go North
Housing Development Fund
Community Building and Park Recreation Space
North American Aliyah—Nefesh B’Nefesh
Existing Communities and Bedouin Development
Employment Initiatives
SubTotal $400 Million
25% Connecting the Next Generation
Zionist Education & Advocacy $200 Million
Kindergarten through 8th Grade
High School Programs
College Advocacy
Leadership Development $45 Million
JNF Executive
Positively Israel & International Cooperation $5 Million
SubTotal $250 Million
35% Infrastructure for Ecology, Special Needs & Heritage Preservation
Water Solutions $50 Million
Forestry & Green Innovations $100 Million
Research & Development $50 Million
Special Needs Services $50 Million
Heritage Sites $100 Million
SubTotal $350 Million
To read more about the Billion Dollar Roadmap, click here
To read about the JNF Boruchin Center, click here