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Judy Lash Balint

Travels from Israel


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Judy Lash Balint the acclaimed author of Jerusalem Diaries: In Tense Times, and Jerusalem Diaries II: What’s Really Happening in Israel. She is a book review editor at Jewish Political Studies Review and has received the Mosaic Award for Excellence in Feature Writing about Israeli Peoplehood. A respected journalist, she is a reporter from Jerusalem for Seattle’s John Carlson Show, former host of the “Jerusalem Diaries Show” on Voice of Israel, and has been featured in publications around the world, including in the New York Post, Christian Science Monitor, The Jerusalem Post, Montreal Suburban, and London Jewish Chronicle. Judy was National Director of the Coalition for Jewish Concerns-Amcha, and serves as Communications Director at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, a leading independent research institute specializing in public diplomacy and foreign policy.


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Prepared introduction download here